
Afghan, Taliban and My Old Memory!

    In 2001 when America invaded Afghanistan, I was in class 9, merely a teenager. However, my sense was perfect to understand what was going to be happened in there. We, all the students of class 9, decided to do something, something to show our agitation. We knew it was not going to makeContinue reading "Afghan, Taliban and My Old Memory!"

As a science teacher, I need a projector

As a science teacher, I need a Projector to depict the polluted future of the students to make them understand what their future will be due to different kinds of pollution for which they are not accountable.My only science class is with class five, where I have taught them four kinds of pollution. They areContinue reading "As a science teacher, I need a projector"

বনের পাখি

০৯ অগ্রহায়ণ, ১৪২৫ বনের পাখি হঠাৎ করে বনের পাখি, ঘরের জানালায় অচিন এক সুর তুলে মন দুলয়ে যায়। ইচ্ছে হল পাখির সাথে একটু খানি গাই! ভাব জমিয়ে পাখিটাকে যদি কাছে পাই! ভুল ছিল সেই চাওয়া আমার ভুল ছিল সেই সুর, আমায় ফেলে সেই পাখি আজ যোজন যোজন দূর। সেই পাখিটার সখা ছিল ঘর ছিল তারContinue reading "বনের পাখি"

Inhabitants with disabilities in Dhaka.

Inaccessible Dhaka is one of the main reasons behind the miserable life of persons with mobility disabilities. What is more, lack of accessibility has been destroying their qualification. Though there has a building code, almost 99 per cent of public buildings don't have a ramp, which is necessary to make a building accessible for theseContinue reading "Inhabitants with disabilities in Dhaka."

আমাদেরও ভালবাসার গল্প…

না! আমার স্বামীর নাম! লেগুনার সিড়িতে উঠেই ভদ্রলোককে বললাম, "একটু চাপবেন?" ওনি যেখানটায় বসেছিলেন ওখানটায় উঠে বসতে আমার সুবিধা হয়! কিন্তু ভদ্রলোকের কোন সারা পেলাম না। ভাল করে তাকিয়ে দেখি ভদ্রলোক ইহজগতে নেই। মোবাইল জগতে ঢুকে বসে আছেন। আরেকবার একটু কড়া করে বলতেই দ্রুত ইহজগতে প্রত্যাবর্তন করলেন এবং দ্রুত সরে বসলেন৷ লেগুনায় উঠেই অভ্যাস বসতContinue reading "আমাদেরও ভালবাসার গল্প…"

Conventional journalism versus satire journalism

Image link In the era of virtual reality, news doesn't have the same meaning as before; it also doesn't have the same structure. To fulfil the various needs of new customers and comply with new types of business, news has been changing its way of providing the fact and truth.While conventional journalism deals formal wayContinue reading "Conventional journalism versus satire journalism"

Free And Hate Speech

Free Speech Political Scientists believe 'Media' is The Forth Pillar of the state. Thus, journalists, backbone of the media, have crucial duties to up-to-date the people about the truth as well as maintain the harmony of the society. Hence, it comes the argument over free speech or fare speech and hate speech. Free Speech orContinue reading "Free And Hate Speech"

Enjoy your virtual life, don’t forget real one!

View, like, react, love, share, comment; those are few popular words among young people. That's because they like to share every single moment of their real life on social platform, in another word on virtual world. Computer and laptop were already popular among technology enthusiastic youth; mobile, specially smartphone takes it to the highest level.Continue reading "Enjoy your virtual life, don’t forget real one!"

A Bangladeshi Rainy Day

Bangladesh is one of the best countries of Natural beauty. Its title 'Country of River', 'Green Country' endorse that. Moreover, it is the host of the Longest sea beach 'Cox's Bazar' and the biggest mangrove forest 'Sundarbans'. Image of a Bangladeshi Rainy Day Cox's Bazar Sea Beach. WikiMedia A Bengal tiger in the Sundarbans. WikiMediaContinue reading "A Bangladeshi Rainy Day"

My Dream Living Room.

Since I’m a person with disability, how my dream living room should be? When I started understanding the world I found myself amid 7 family members, parents along with 5 siblings. In that time, we lived in a fence tin shed house. In total there had three rooms for us. My father had to shareContinue reading "My Dream Living Room."